Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday Night Raw - 2/23/2015

Pyro opens the show tonight from Nashville, Tennessee. 34 Days away from Wrestlemania. Randy Orton's music opens the show, and, indeed, Randy Orton himself. Booker T says Cowboy Bob was known as the "Mechanic." I don't know if thats true or not. #OrtononRaw. Nice "Randy" chant. Randy shows some footage of Rollins putting Orton out of business four months ago.Randy is "just now getting started." The Authority, except Seth Rollins, come out. Big Show and Kane are just awful. Air Force Gator sign in the crowd, hi Dan Ryckert. Stephanie tries to bring Randy back into the Authority fold. Crowd seems reasonably hot. Randy says he'd rather "kick some ass than kiss some ass." Big Show talks and everyone hates him. Stephanie says Randy isn't a "good guy." Apaprently Orton has been invited to a "business conference" I guess I wasn't paying attention. Oh well.