Saturday, August 25, 2012

WCW Monday Nitro - 2/26/96

We're live from Knoxville, Tennessee, welcome to the war zone! Last week we met the man known as the Booty Man, the former Zodiac and Hulk Hogan's spy in the ranks of the Dungeon of Doom. This week, we see the Booty Man in action with the rest of the Megapowers against the champ Ric Flair, the Enforcer Arn Anderson, and the Taskmaster Kevin Sullivan. Also tonight, Road Warriors vs Harlem Heat and Sting and Luger in singles action.

Sting comes out to a rousing ovation followed by his opponent, Big Bubba Rogers. They immediately lock up. The psychology is hot and heavy in this match between two guys who get pro wrestling. Out of the lockup, Rogers offers his hand to Sting. Sting slaps his hand away and drops him to the mat with a drop toe hold, pulls him back up, and lays him out with a bulldog. Rogers powers back and lays out Sting with strikes and picks up a two count off a lateral press. Big Bubba puts Sting in a headlock and drags him around the ring, antagonizing the fans. Sting starts to power up with the support of the crowd but Rogers cuts him off with a spinebuster. He pulls out a two count and transitions into a headlock. Sting is very much the face in peril at this point. A granny in the front row is very concerned about Sting and Rogers bails out to confront her. Sting takes advantage of this distraction and counters a powerbomb into a tombstone piledriver, sprawling both men. They get to their feet at the same time and start trading rights. Sting wins the exchange and goes for a vaderbomb. Big Bubba counters but eats a highcross body, three count fall. Sting wins in a real good match.

Next, Mean Gene interviews Sting and Luger on the ramp. Almost immediately the Road Warriors come down and interrupt. They accuse Luger of being a villain but Luger says that all he is, is the champ and challenges the Road Warriors to a match. Animal says that Luger isn't from the "hood." Sting agrees, Luger isn't from the hood. Hawk threatens to knock out a gorilla and they schedule a chicago street fight for the belts.

Luger is up against the Renegade in a singles match. There is essentially zero wrestling in this match, just unconvincing strikes and a lot of posing. The action is back and forth, though, with Luger working heel. He gets a two count off a side suplex. Renegade comes back with a two count off a powerslam. Renegade goes high risk but Jimmy Hart runs out and clocks him with the megaphone, allowing Luger to haul him up into the Torture Rack to win the match. Postmatch, Sting confronts Luger about Hart's interference. Luger claims he doesn't know anything about Hart interfering.

The next match is the announced tag team match between Harlem Heat and the Road Warriors. Early on in the match, they announce that this is a number one contender match, meaning that they already gave away the finish by declaring the Road Warriors the number one contenders and scheduling their title match at Uncensored.
Anyway, Booker T takes over Hawk early but Hawk fights back:  Neckbreaker, fist drop, tag. Animal in off the tag with Stevie Ray. They lockup and neither man is giving up an inch. Ray finally gets momentum with some strikes but Animal clears his way out with a lariat and tags Hawk back in. Ray powerbombs Hawk, tags Booker T, who hits the scissor kick and picks up a two count. The Heat start working the hot tag on Hawk. Animal gets the tag and clears the ring, chasing the legal man Stevie Ray to the floor. In the ring, Booker T hits a sidewalk slam on Hawk and follows it up with a top rope senton leg drop. The ref isn't paying any attention to what's going on in or out of the ring, allowing Animal to knockout Booker with a running knee. The ref rolls into the ring and counts a pin, Hawk wins and the Road Warriors are the number one contenders.

Finally it is our main event of the evening, Flair, Anderson and Sullivan versus Hogan, Savage, and the Booty Man. Flair is accompanied to the ring by Woman and Miss Elizabeth. The megapowers run down and clear the ring, brawling with the heels all over the arena. Things eventually settle down and the match proper begins with the Booty Man and Arn Anderson. Meanwhile, the Diamond Doll Kimberly comes down to ringside carrying a bouquet of flowers. On commentary, we are told that she had a falling out with Johnny B. Badd and is looking for some new beef. The Booty Man's offense is largely ass-based. The match continues like any WCW main event tag match. The faces experience no resistance while cheating and running rough-shod over the heels. Eventually the heels isolate one of the faces and work the hot tag. The hot tag is achieved, all the faces hulk up and overpower all the heels. Hogan wins the match with a leg drop on Anderson. Flair jumps the Hulkster post-match and knocks him unconscious. Miss Elizabeth hops up on the apron and handcuffs Hogan to the turnbuckle where Flair whips him with a belt. We're out of time, Hulkamaniacs, see you in two weeks!

Brother Count: An absolutely astounding zero brothers! That's zero brothers per minute, in case you're counting.

Did Hogan Go Over? You betcha.

Did The Booty Man's Booty Go Over? You betcha.

The Pepe Award for Pepe's Costume: He's a li'l biker this week, Eric von Zipper style.

Move of the Show: Hahaha

American Males Memorial Buff Bagwell Sighting: No Buff. Three weeks!

The Tony Schiavone Award for Putting Butts in Seats: WWF Raw results for 2/26/96 as revealed by Eric at the top of the show:  DQ, Yokozuna in a handicap match, Jake Roberts over Isaac Yankem DDS, and ~Diesel~ over Bob Holly in a cage match.

The I Love the 90s Award for Relevancy: Next on TNT is American Kickboxer 2, a 1993 movie so B, it doesn't even have a wikipedia page.

The VK Wallstreet Award for the Boys Up North: Eric refers to a certain World Whining Federation's pretaped monday night show. He also says that Luger is a member of "the so-called New Generation."

Mongo Sucks: Again, Mongo's been relatively tame. He rambled for a few seconds about Sun Tzu and stipulations but the absolute worst was him saying that Kimberly "reminds me of the old lady from the commercials going 'where's the beef?' Well, the beef's right here, honey, there's six men in that ring!" Very mild by Mongo standards.

Broski of the Week: The granny from the Sting/Rogers match, who may or may not have been a stunt granny, was seen on camera again boogieing down with the Booty Man as he danced his way into our hearts during the six man.

Next Week on TNT: Some Civil War documentary, preempting Nitro. Uncensored is March 23rd!

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