Saturday, February 23, 2013

WCW Monday Nitro - 5/6/96

Coming to you Live from Daytona Beach, Florida, its WCW Monday Nitro! Tonight is a loaded card with Lex Luger vs the Giant in the main event, supported by Sting vs Steven Regal, Macho Man vs Hugh Morrus, and Dean Malenko vs Japanese sensation Jushin "Thunder" Liger.

Randy Savage is in a fugue tonight for his match against Hugh Morrus. Hugh Morrus is a bad wrestler but he doesn't really get the chance to show it off. He jumps Savage before the bell and beats him all around the outside. He manages to strip Savage's entrance gear off his back and dresses up in it, mocking Savage. This sets the Macho Man off. Macho grabs his jacket back and starts choking the life out of Hugh Morrus with it. He strings him up from the top rope and refuses to release the choke. As Hugh Morrus falls unconscious, referee Nick Patrick calls for the DQ. Savage, not paying any attention to the ref, then drops the elbow on a knocked out Hugh Morrus. He then turns his attention to the referee, laying him out with a shove. Fellow referee Randy Anderson runs in to make the save but Savage ignores him and hits the big top rope elbow drop on him. Security and WCW officials run down to ringside and escort a noncompliant Savage from the building.

We find out, before the next match, that Ohtani of Japan is the winner of the Cruiserweight title tournament. The following match is Dean Malenko versus Jushin "Thunder" Liger. This match is fast-paced technical wrestling. Its absolutely everything you'd ever want out of a TV wrestling match. The announcers are more concerned with the aftermath of Savage/Morrus and the arrival of the Nature Boy at ringside with a bottle of champagne and his valets. The camera as well sticks to Flair and we miss a good portion of the match because of it. We return to Malenko working Liger's left leg and trying to lock on legbars, Liger making it to the rope every time. Malenko rolls to the floor and Liger hits a toprope body splash on him. Back in the ring, Liger reverses a German from Malenko into a pinning predicament. The two men trade pins and blows until Malenko gets Liger on the turnbuckle and hits his Fireman's Carry Gutbuster from the second rope. Malenko refuses to pin afterwards, instead going for another German. Liger shifts his weight on him, sending him crashing down, and picking a two count up for his troubles. Finally, Malenko wins with a Tiger Bomb.
Next up, Gene is interviewing Flair, Woman, and Elizabeth. Flair says that Robin Leach wouldn't be invited to his parties. He showed up with champagne because he's better than everyone else and had nothing better to do. Flair sells the upcoming pay-per-view and hits on Debra McMichael. He sends her a cocktail that she pours out while Mongo rants incoherently over top of Gene. We also learn, yet again, that Elizabeth cannot talk.

In the next match, Sting versus Steven Regal, Regal's eye and thigh are both taped up thanks to his vicious brawl with the Belfast Bruiser last week. Bruiser was injured in that match and is out of the Lethal Lottery, his replacement, and Regal's partner, is Squire Dave Taylor, fellow Blueblood. This match is essentially another Sting match. Sting does his moves, Regal rolls away or gets to the ropes at the last second. Finally, Sting reverses a double underhook into a backdrop. He bridges for three.
The main event, scheduled to be Lex Luger vs the Giant, experiences a last minute change when Luger no-shows. Hacksaw Jim Duggan volunteers to take his place. Duggan starts the match out brawling, really taking it to the Giant as hard as he can. The Giant completely no-sells it and slaps Duggan down. Hacksaw tries to tape his fist, the Giant catches him with a chokeslam in the middle of it, and Duggan gets pinned for the three count. Kobra, Alex Wright, and another, unrecognizable, jobber all run in to make the save as the Giant beats up on Hacksaw. All of them eat chokeslams. Flair, still at ringside with his bubbly, then runs in with a chair and the Giant eats an unprotected shot to the head, but it has no effect. The Giant hauls Flair up for the chokeslam but Sting runs out to make the save. He chopblocks the Giant's legs repeatedly as Flair makes the retreat. Sting finally weakens the Giant enough to try the Scorpion Death Lock but as soon as he locks it in, Jimmy Hart nails him in the head with his megaphone. Luger then shows up and hauls it down to ringside to chase off the Giant and Jimmy Hart. Sting accuses Luger of being in cahoots with Hart and the Giant still and asks him where the hell he's been. Luger claims he missed his flight as we go off the air.

Brother Count: Zero brothers

Did Hogan Go Over? Seriously, where is Hogan?

Pepe's Costume Award for Pepe's Costume: A little sailor suit so he can pick up sailors in Daytona.

American Males Memorial Buff Bagwell Sighting: No Buff unfortunately.

The "Who Better Than El Dandy" New Challenger Watch: A (very expensive looking) CG promo aired, looking like a Mortal Kombat trailer and saying that Blood Runs Cold, coming soon to WCW. I wonder who (or what!) this could be...

Move of the Show: Tiger bomb.

Broski of the Week: Dude at the beginning of the show with a sign, presumably confiscated, that read "PILLMAN'S KLIQ."

Next Week: Nothing booked tonight.

Slamboree: Same info as last week, with one update. Its now
Steven Regal & Dave Taylor vs VK Wallstreet & Hacksaw Jim Duggan.

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