Wednesday, April 17, 2013

WCW Monday Nitro - 5/13/96

Live from the country music capital of the world, Nashville, Tennessee, its WCW Monday Nitro! Tonight is a huge main event, Lex Luger versus The Giant. Luger, after missing his flight last week, has been camped out in front of the arena all night, just waiting for his match. Also tonight Chris Benoit vs Squire Dave Taylor.

First, however, is the Steiner Brothers vs Public Enemy. Scott Steiner is incredibly strong, just tossing around the Enemies like they're nothing. These are some big dudes and Scotty is treating them like ragdolls. We learn via Bischoff that Randy Savage, while banned from the building, is outside, demanding to be let in. Public Enemy keep whiffing moves. Rick Steiner picks up a nearfall off a belly-to-belly and Scott throws Rocco with a tilt-a-whirl sideslam. The match then shifts to the Enemies' favor. They layout Scott with a stacked-up, springboard senton. Rocco then whiffs a top rope senton, letting Scott get the hot tag. The Steiners quickly get shut down. Grunge grabs Rick on the outside, holding him up for the senton plancha by Rock. Rick escapes, Rocco hits Grunge, Scott rolls Rocco into the ring, and picks up the three off of a Frankensteiner. Bischoff tells us that WCW Monday Nitro is going to two hours on May 27th, from 8pm to 10pm, live on TNT.

Next up is Squire Dave Taylor of the Bluebloods facing off with Crippler Chris Benoit of the Four Horsemen. Bischoff, in his tradition of talking about things other than good matches, tells us that DDP has made his return on Saturday Night along with a man they call his "benefactor." Commentary is also talking up Benoit huge, while still managing to ignore everything in the ring. The match isn't anything special, its a bog standard match with Benoit playing the face, but everything is performed exceptionally with Taylor really playing to the crowd. As the match draws to a close, Mongo storms out of the announce position to go talk with Savage outside the arena. Benoit gets the pin with a Dragon Suplex, then throws the four fingers at the camera, saying "the symbol of excellence."

Up third, Mean Gene Okerlund is outside, interviewing Randy Savage, but not before Mongo does a run-in to call out Ric Flair. He tells Savage that he'll take care of Flair and not to worry before going inside. Savage then cuts a promo that's indecipherable even for him. He's out of his mind and out of this world. He's been places Gene hasn't seen and he's attacking the security guards to get at Flair. Gene says that Macho Man was ordered to get counseling but has refused to do so. As we head to commercial, Blood Runs Cold.

Our next match is VK Wallstreet vs Ric Flair. Mongo, back at the announce desk, says that Kevin Greene, formerly of the Steelers, now of the Panthers, may or may not be involved with his plan to "get" Flair. Brain uses this as an opportunity to talk up how scary, dangerous, and violent Mongo is. In the ring, Wallstreet is walking all over Flair in a one-sided affair. He gets a 2 count off a Samoan Drop, followed by 2 from a sunset flip, and 2 from a backslide. Flair finally gets the advantage by kicking Wallstreet's leg, slamming it against the post, and then locking in the Figure 4. With a little help from Woman lending leverage, Flair picks up the submission victory. Gene comes out to interview him, Flair says that he hasn't been welcome in Nashville since Dolly Parton rode Space Mountain, wooo. Flair says "ass" and gets a massive face pop for it. He then calls out Mongo. Flair says that Mongo was a defensive lineman, but Flair throws touchdown pass after touchdown pass, and the women are his wide receivers, wooo.

Eric apologizes for Flair saying ass and also for sexy euphemisms.Our main event is the WCW World Heavyweight Champion The Giant vs Lex Luger. Maybe Nitro really needs to go to two hours, because neither of these men get entrances. In the match, The Giant is just taking it to Luger. Luger teases a bodyslam but gets knocked down for his troubles. Its entirely onesided, and even Luger's Surgically Repaired Forearm isn't enough to knock the Giant down. He manages to get the Giant out of the ring, though. On the outside, the Giant makes his way to Flair's ringside buffet table and chokeslams Luger through it, Luger winning via disqualification. Jimmy Hart and Sting run out. Jimmy Hart escorts the Giant backstage and Sting attends to Luger. Gene tries to get an interview with the unconscious Luger, but Sting chases him off. They show a replay of the spot and then cut to the announce table. Eric says that if Sting needed any motivation to beat the Giant on Sunday, after watching his best friend go through a table, he's got it now.

Brother Count: No Hogan, no brothers.

Did Hogan Go Over? Hogan remarkably managed to go over while not appearing due to a combination of filming one of his 1996 classic films and keeping off tv during the NBA playoffs (on competitor TNT) so he could claim Nitro ratings were down because he wasn't there, brother. As opposed to basketball simply being the superior worked sport.

Pepe's Costume Award for Pepe's Costume: A country music outfit. What a country music outfit is, no one knows.

American Males Memorial Buff Bagwell Sighting: No Marcus Bagwell. Starting to get concerned about his well-being

The Let's Talk About This Wrestler's Backstory Watch: Don't think we've talked about V.K. Wallstreet yet. V.K. Wallstreet, also known as Mike Rotunda, also known as Irwin R Schyster in the WWF, was brought in on the debut episode of Nitro as Michael Wallstreet and working the IRS gimmick. His name was changed to V.K. as a little riff on Vincent Kennedy McMahon. As if McMahon was any more of a money-obsessed mogul than Ted Turner. Mostly an undercard guy, we haven't really seen a ton of him on Nitro and probably won't ever really.

Things Lex Luger Had With Him While Camping: A bunch of bananas, one orange, a thermos of coffee, two bottles of water, a styrofoam cooler, a flashlight, a magazine, a blanket, and a pillow.

Mongo Sucks: On Luger camping, "He's probably eating raw meat."

Move of the Show: The dragon suplex is always cool to see, but man the tilt-a-whirl sideslam from Scott on a guy the size of Public Enemy is absolutely impressive.

Broski of the Week: The dude who wolf-whistled at Elizabeth and Woman for literally the entirety of the Flair/Wallstreet Match.

Slamboree: Lethal Lottery! Battlebowl! Sting vs Giant!

Next Week on Nitro: The fallout from Slamboree! Who will be the Lord of the Ring? How does Christopher Tolkein feel about the winner of the Battlebowl being named Lord of the Ring? Did Savage murder and/or eat Flair? Who is DDP's benefactor? None of these questions will be answered, probably.

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