Sunday, July 21, 2013

WCW Monday Nitro - 6/17/96

Live from the Colosseum in Richmond, Virginia, its WCW Monday Nitro. With Eric selling the effects of the Jackknife Powerbomb, we get Tony Schiavone all night long. The Living Legend Larry Zybysko is unimpressed by the acts of Razor Ramon and Diesel, and personally calls them out. Okay, Larry. The Bash at the Beach Team WCW lineup will be announced tonight as well as a recap of the Great American Bash and the fallout thereof. Mongo is in the building tonight with the Horsemen as we kick off another great episode.

The first match is a real barn-burner.One half of the Harlem Heat, and not the good half, Stevie Ray versus one half of the Steiner Brothers, and not the good half, Rick Steiner! Rick gets a two count off a flying bulldog early on. Stevie Ray powerslams Rick, misses a fist drop, and then eats a lariat, care of Rick, for three in 2:18. Booker jumps Rick after the bell. He and Stevie go for the Harlem Hangover but Scott makes the save. He gets hit with a flying axe handle for his trouble.

Disco Inferno is out next and he is the best. Disco asks if the crowd wants to see him dance and starts dancing even before he can hear an answer. Joe Gomez runs in and a match starts. Disco spends most of the match dancing and overselling. Disco threatens Dave Penzer, but Gomez makes the save. Disco takes control of the match after Gomez misses a cross body. Gomez regains the momentum with some big boots. Gomez telegraphs a backdrop and Disco hits a swinging neckbreaker for two. Gomez reveres Disco's pin attempt for three in 3:34.
Backstage, Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Woman, Flair, Miss Elizabeth, and Debra. Flair says Debra turned Horseman for the money and calls out Macho Man in the most boring Flair promo of all time.

The next match is the Horsemen, Arn Anderson and Chris Benoit, vs the American Males, Scotty Riggs and Marcus Alexander Bagwell. Riggs gets a quick rollup for two off the bell. They do an over/under spot. Anderson eats a leg drop and then a dropckick for only one. Benoit tags in, as does Bagwell. Bagwell counters a powerbomb into an armdrag. Benoit counters a splash attempt with his knees, tags in Arn Anderson. Bagwell gets the heat, backslide for two followed by a fisherman's suplkex for two. Benoit in, stomps a mudhole in Bagwell. He hits the diving headbutt but Riggs makes the save. Arn takes Bagwell off his feet with a running chop, but Marcus gets the tag anyway. The faces sneak in a double dropkick on Benoit but Arn makes the save. Benoit hangs Riggs on the ropes and rolls him up with help for arm for three in 5:49.
Mean Gene is in the ring with the Horsemen. The crowd loves the Horsemen and Arn just absolutely bathes in it. He says that it was only a business deal that he worked with the Taskmaster, and that deal is nullified. The Taskmaster wasn't Horseman material and, try as he might, he couldn't break them up. Benoit says the Horsemen are about Guts, Glamour, and Glory. Larry Zybysko is insufferable on commentary.

Big Bubba comes down to the ring, accompanied by Jimmy Hart, and sporting a shorter beard. John Tenta comes down next, his head still half shaved and accompanied by no music. Bubba jumps Tent before the bell but Tenta manages to hit a dropkick. This enormous man dropkicks another enormous man. For a match with two fairly athletic big guys, it sure is plodding and uninteresting outside of that dropkick. Tenta hits some corner splashes but Jimmy Hart makes the save before serious damage is done. Hart nails Tenta with the megaphone, Tenta nosells and atomic drops Jimmy out of the ring. Tenta powerslams Bubba, then scoopslams Bubba for three with his feet on the ropes in 4:41. Tenta tries to chase down Jimmy Hart as Bubba pulls out a blackjack (actually just a sock with coins in it). Bubba hits Tenta square in the face with the blackjack and beats him down while Jimmy laughs.
Mean Gene interviews Bubba and Jimmy Hart. Hart says all traitors to the dungeon will be punished. Bubba plugs the Great American Bash replay on Tuesday night.
After the commercial break, Gene interviews the Macho Man. Savage claims he saw a woman psychiatrist who diagnosed him OCD. One. Cool. Dude. He's gonna beat up Flair, whatever, one cool dude.

The second hour starts with Macho Man chasing Bobby Heenan from commentary, to the ring, and back to commentary before making his way down to the ring for his match against the Nature Boy, Ric Flair. Flair is accompanied by Woman, Debra, and Miss Elizabeth. Flair is wearing a shirt that says "Mean Greene, Sack Machine, In The Ring." Flair grabs a mic and says that Savage is feeling the agony of defeat and divorce. Savage, on his own mic, says he'll beat Flair's ass. Flair jumps Savage before the bell.
They brawl around ringside. Savage soaks Flair with Champagne. They do some mounted punches in the corner, Flair stumbles out and flops. This is a real brawl. Savage no-sells some chops. Flair decks Savage with a fistful of quarters for the pin, Savage kicks out and bumps the ref. Savage hits Flair with a lowblow and drops the big elbow from the top rope. He goes for a second one when the women all run in and form a human shield around Flair's corpse. Savage drops the elbow anyway, parting the sea of women. Benoit runs in to make the save, but eats a piledriver. Anderson runs in and gets dumped out unceremoniously. Mongo then runs in and decks Savage with a briefcase. He rolls Flair over on top of Savage as the now conscious ref counts the one-two-three in 8:09 plus ads, so make it fourteen minutes. The Horsemen continue beating Savage after the bell.

Backstage, Sullivan has a black eye. Mean Gene interviews him, the Giant, and Jimmy Hart. Hart says the Dungeon is at war. At war with the WWF, at war with Hulkamania, at war against the Outsiders, and, now, at war against the Four Horsemen. Sullivan says he respected Arn Anderson until he turned on him at Great American Bash. The Giant says that the Horsemen don't have the strap therefore they're just jealous of the Dungeon. Taskmaster says the Horsemen are the enemy but loyalty to WCW always comes first.
WCW is running a "northeast invasion" tour of house shows including one in Madison Square Garden, erstwhile home of the WWF. A Glacier promo also airs.
Eric Bischoff is missing from the announce table, its just Tony and Brain. They play a recap of what happened to Eric at the Great American Bash, as well as a recap of Mongo's heel turn and the Benoit/Sullivan match. Coming still tonight, the drawing for Team WCW at Bash at the Beach!

Next out on the ramp is Rey Mysterio, Jr. He cuts a bad promo on Dean Malenko and says some stuff in spanish then heads down the ring for his match against the Ice Man, the Man of 1000 Holds, Dean Malenko. This match is way faster-paced than their match at Great American Bash. Rey dodges a crossbody and rolls Dean up in a small package for two. Malenko counters an armwrench tilt-a-whirl hiptoss into a brutal lariat, turning Mysterio inside out. Malenko locks in a deep half crab then busts out a stalled brainbust for two. An alectric hair drop for Malenko also nets him a two count. Malenko puts Mysterio in a submission that turns into a pinning predicament. Malenko hits his stiff powerbomb for two, but now Rey Mysterio is literally dead. Rey recovers enough to hit a hurricanrana from the apron to the floor. Rey hits a sunset flip bomb for two, rolls Malenko up for two, and picks up a final two off a pinning predicament. Malenko gets up and hits his inverted bulldog for three off a wheelbarrow spot in 8:43, clean as a whistle in an awesome match.

In our final match of the evening, we see Scott Steiner face off against the Giant. Selling the flying axe handle from before, Scott's ribs are taped. This match is a Giant match. You've seen it all before. Scott tries to bodyslam the Giant but gets lateral pressed. Giant puts Scott into a camel clutch and smacks his head around. Vertical suplex from the Giant and he gets a chair out from under the ring. Scott hits a lowblow while the ref's back is turned and locks in a sleephold that the Giant quickly powers out of. Scott manages to pull off a side suplex on the big man but only picks up two. Scott tries to use the chair but the Giant no-sells it. Chokeslam for three in 8:17 plus ads.

Finally, Mean Gene Okerlund comes out with the drawing of names to face the Outsiders at Bash at the Beach in July. From the pool of Hogan, the Giant, Flair, Luger, Sting and Macho, only Luger, Macho and Sting are picked. July 7th the war goes down. Heenan compares this war to the Gulf War, comparing the Outsiders to America.

Mongo Sucks: Where does he get off hitting Macho Man with a briefcase presumably filled with Macho Man's own money that Liz stole from him!

The American Males Memorial Buff Bagwell Sighting: Marcus Alexander Bagwell and, indeed, the whole of the American Males have an entire match tonight!

The Here Comes A New Challenger Watch: Don't remember if we've talked about him before but here we go anyway: Rey Mysterio, Jr. This kid is one of the greatest wrestlers in the history of the sport. His uncle is Rey Mysterio, his cousin is Hijo de Rey Mysterio. He wrestled in AAA before coming to the states, and ECW before coming to WCW. Of note is his ECW Mexican Death Match against Psicosis if you're looking to watch good, old Rey Mysterio matches.

Bash at the Beach:
Lex Luger & Sting & Randy Savage vs Diesel & Razor Ramon & ????

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