Monday, November 21, 2016

Monday Night Raw - 11/21/2016

Live from beautiful, scenic Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the 6IX, it's Monday Night Raw. Goldberg squashed Lesnar last night, Raw won the Women's and Tag Team Survivor Series matches, lost the Men's singles one. The Brian Kendrick retained the Cruiserweight belt via DQ when Baron Corbin interfered. The Miz defended his Intercontinental championship. Enzo wore tights covered with Drake references. I think that's all that happened.

Show opens with Big 'Berg to gloat. He does the Warrior speech, thanking the fans, his wife, and his son. Berg says that he was content with one more match but Stephanie suggested he might have one more title run left in him. The crowd goes bonkers. "You bet your ass I got one more title run left in me." He enters himself into the Royal Rumble and says everyone is next.

Tag team title match! New Day out first, their promo tonight is bad. Big E does a Captain Ahab voice. They say nobody'll take their title. It's not funny. Off night I guess but at least it's not as bad as the Sonny Boye one. The New Day will be wrestling Sheamus and Cesaro. New Day retain by cheating, Kofi taps to the sharpshooter while Xavier distracts the ref and then rolls Cesaro up.

We get a shot of Jericho walking around backstage. He is interrupted by one of the women who do interviews. She asks him to react to the Survivor Series match. He's upset that the list of Jericho was destroyed last night when Owens used it to attack somebody last night.

Elsewhere backstage Cass locked Enzo out of the locker room naked. The camera zooms out to reveal he is naked. The Shining Stars offer him a stay at their nudist timeshare. He bumps into Lana and asks her "how ya doin'." Cass shows up to back him up. Cass asks if there's a problem, Rusev says Enzo has "a huge problem." Enzo says he wouldn't call it a problem. Rusev demands Enzo wear clothes so he can crush him in the ring.

Elsewhere backstage, the Mickster and Stephanie are bragging about how they won three out of the five interbrand matches. Mick asks if she was serious when she said she would fire all the Raw superstars who lost. Sami walks in as she's saying she's probably not serious. Mick forgets his lines while telling Sami what his match is tonight. Mick feels bad about booking Sami against Braun because he failed at Survivor Series.

Cruiserweight division match next, Cedric Alexander vs Ariya Daivari. Daivari gets the microphone and uses his time to dump on Canada. He doesn't even really dump on them, he just says Canada isn't better than the US. He says a couple things in Arabic and Alexander tries to jump Daivari before the bell. The ref pulls them apart though. Cedric goes over with the lumbar check. They plug the new post-Smackdown cruiserweight show that I'm not going to watch constantly during this match.

Highlight Reel time, Jericho is going to say he's mad at someone for messing up the List of Jericho. Owens was the guy who messed the list up so. Owens' music hits before Jericho can say anything. I hope this is a bait and switch. Owens is going to prove that he didn't mess up the list. They argue forever like nine minutes before finally they at the same time reveal whose fault it really was: ROMAN REIGNS. Oh my goodness this rules so much. They're still best friends. I love these men. "Roman reigns was just standing there, staring, conditioner pouring out of his hair." They also blame Roman's fellow hair conditioner brother Seth Rollins. Rollins' music hits. Seth says it's not his fault but Jericho says that Seth is the author of lies and also Great Expectations. This promo rules. Rollins then attacks Team Kevin and Chris. Kevin and Chris gang up on Seth but Roman's music hits to so many boos. Roman chases Kevin and Chris off until Mick Foley's music hits. Mick books Seth vs Owens for the belt, No DQ, Roman and Chris banned from ringside.

Rusev out next to wrestle Enzo over the right to not have his wife see Enzo's crummy dick. Rusev just squashes Enzo and makes him submit to the Accolade. I think they're setting up a Big Cass/Rusev feud. What a waste of Rusev that would be.

Golden Truth out, without their song, to wrestle The Club. The Club wins. What did you expect.

Sami out for his match against Braun. Braun jumps him during his entrance. The match starts though and Sami tries to stay alive. Braun keeps killing Sami, eventually the Mickster stops the match and Braun wins via referee stoppage. Woof. Remember when they did this match except good as an NXT title match?

Charlotte and Dana next for the ten o'clock segment. Charlotte is gloating about beating up Bayley after the match last night. Sasha comes out. She demands her rematch for Charlotte's belt. Nia Jax interrupts them. Nia says she deserves the title match more than Sasha because Sasha is an overrated barbie doll. Sasha gets in her face and Charlotte stirs the pot. Nia and Sasha start fighting, Bayley runs down for the save but Nia beats her up too. When Raw returns from commercial break, a tag team match has organized, Charlotte and Nia vs Sasha and Bayley. The crowd is still doing the Tye Dillinger ten count deal from the NXT show on Saturday. On commentary, Byron idly wonders what it would be like if Nia Jax was his mom. The finish comes when Sasha makes Charlotte tap out to the Banks Statement.

One of the faceless women interviews Seth Rollins. I guess her name is Charlie.

Rich Swann, Noam Dar and, yuck, TJ Perkins have a triple threat match for the number one contendership to the Cruiserweight title. The Brian Kendrick is on commentary. Rich Swann gets the win, pinning TJ Perkins.

Someone, Charlie?, interviews Owens who rants on how awful Rollins and Reigns are.

Enzo and Cass are doing the yearly Christmas toy shilling.

Main event time. Rollins vs Owens, no DQ. It's a really cool, big match and somehow this Toronto crowd isn't burnt out despite three nights of wrestling in a row. Lots of big spots, really seems like a match out of time. They brawl into the crowd during the overrun and Rollins dives off the second level onto Owens. Rollins drags Owens back to the ringside area but a fan in a Hayabusa Sin Cara mask jumps him. He unmasks to reveal Chris Jericho. Rollins pedigrees Jericho but leaves himself open for the apron powerbomb. Owens pins Rollins to retain his belt. Heck of a match. That was a fine episode of Raw.

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