Monday, August 29, 2016

Monday Night Raw - 8/29/2016

In memory of Mr. Fuji and live from beautiful Houston, Texas, it's Monday Night Raw. The Fatal Four Way for the WWE Universal Nightmare Strap tonight is now an elimination match so there's exactly zero reason for it to be a fatal four way and not a straight tournament. Finn Balor will be out until at least next year. Was Bo Dallas a Raw guy? He got ejected from an airport for being too drunk and singing songs from the Lion King. It's all about hashtag Universal Championship because we're live, baby!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday Night Raw - 8/22/2016

I FORGOT RAW IS ON. ITS LIVE THOUGH. Raw results (rawsults) from last night are Sami and Neville over the Dudleys, Sheamus over Cesaro in their first match of seven, Jeri-KO beat Enzo and Cass, Charlotte won her belt back from Sasha, New Day retained against the Club via DQ after Big E returned to save Jon Stewart's balls, Finn Balor beat Seth to be crowned the new Universal Champion and also the Universal Championship belt is very, very ugly, and Raw superstar Brock Lesnar beat Randy Orton via TKO after elbowing him in the face so hard Randy needed 10 stitches. It was kind of a crummy payperview. I think they're still in beautiful Brooklyn, New York at the equally beautiful Barclay Center and they're live. They're using the same set from last night, with the ridiculously ugly LED ringposts and the gaudy LED ramp. It's live.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Monday Night Raw - 8/15/2016

Live from beautiful Corpus Christi, Texas it's Monday Night Raw. Honestly can't think of any news that happened this week at all. Shawn Michaels is going to NXT to replace a sick Terry Taylor. That's close to Raw-related news. Summerslam is going to be six hours this year? Um. Dean's interview with Austin was bad. Conor McGregor has been antagonizing wrestlers online in the lead up to his rematch with Nate Diaz. Let's start the show.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Monday Night Raw - 8/8/2016

Live from beautiful Anaheim, California, home of the mouse, it's a special Bad Boy edition of Monday Night Raw! I don't think there was any major Raw news this week. Big E's dick is bruised, I guess. Shelton Benjamin got injured but he was a Smackdown-to-be guy. Daniel Bryan is going to be on Raw to address Brock and Orton not abiding by the rules of the brand split. I love arbitration. Let's start.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Monday Night Raw - 8/1/2016

Live from a basketball arena of some sort probably in beautiful Hotlanta, Georgia, home of UFC 201, it's time for Monday Night Raw! Next week is Diddy but this week is some regular Raw action in the New Era!