Monday, January 30, 2017

Monday Night Raw - 1/30/2017

Live from beautiful Laredo, TX, it's Monday Night Raw, Rumble Fallout Edition. Owens retained against Roman when Braun interfered, Charlotte retained against Bayley, Nia Jax beat Sasha I think, it was on the preshow, and Gallows and Gun are the new tag team champs. Orton, a Smackdown guy, won the Rumble but Roman was the last guy eliminated, after tossing out the Undertaker. Goldberg speared and eliminated Lesnar as handily as he beat him at Survivor Series. Sami Zayn is a geek. Neville is the new Cruiserweight champ. I think that's it. Here's the show.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday Night Raw - 1/23/2017

Live from beautiful Cleveland, Ohio, it's the longest running episodic uh you know. It's Monday Night Raw! Goldberg is booked.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday Night Raw - 1/16/2017

It's Martin Luther King Day and you know what that means: Martin Luther King Day package on Monday Night Raw. This year it's set to an all-white Christian rock band. At the top of the show, before the package, there was a in memoriam for Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka, the second best wrestler to ever murder a woman named Nancy. Monday Night Raw is live tonight from beautiful Little Rock, Arkansas. A guy in the front row has a sign that says "Happy MLK Day." They announced on twitter a little while ago that Kurt Angle is going into the Hall of Fame this year. Tyler Bate became the first WWE UK Champion. I guess this is my one year anniversary of liveblogging every episode of Raw. I hate it.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Monday Night Raw - 1/9/2017

Live from beautiful New Orleans, Louisiana, the gem of the gulf coast, it's Monday Night Raw! HBK and Undertaker advertised tonight. Wrestlemania is going to be in this city again next year.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Monday Night Raw - 1/2/2017

Live from beautiful Tampa Bay, Florida, it's the first Monday Night Raw of a new year! Goldberg and Undertaker are booked tonight I think. Cool that Undertaker did that whole promo about being a Smackdown regular now a couple months ago and then the next time he shows up it's literally a different year and it's on Raw. Oh well, let's get the worst weekly wrestling show on the road!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Of The Year 2016

Another year passed where I ended up not consuming nearly as much junk as I usually do. I don't know what I've been doing with all the free time I've had not watching wrestling or playing video games. Refreshing Twitter I guess. I did do a couple things though and I thought I'd list some of the good ones. A lot has been made about 2016 being a bad year what with all the deaths and the politics and a lot also being made about 2016 being a good year what with all the personal success that some people have achieved. 2016 for me has been basically the same as every year since 2012 except I spent like 150 more hours liveblogging Monday Night Raw.