Tuesday, December 11, 2018

ROI #1 - CZW High Stakes II (9/11/2004)

the show kicks off with a poem dedicated to the memory of those lost on 9/11. i looked up the poet and all his poems that aren't this one are about slaughtering arab people as revenge. a song that sounds like the rite of spring but decidedly is not plays. that cuts into an extremely long montage of spots from prior czw shows set to horrible, horrible nu metal.

Ranking of the Indies #0

Wrestling owns. There are massive gaps in my knowledge of wrestling however. Mexico, pre-2010 New Japan, All Japan, Battlarts, Memphis. But what I'm really interested in is what was going on during the "Monday Night Wars" and the aftermath of the deaths of WCW and ECW outside of the big three. There was a whole world of indie wrestling that was being born in the late 90s/early 00s and I've barely seen any of it. This project is to change that and find once and for all what the best turn of the millennium indie show was.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Monday Night Raw - 4/4/2017

Live from beautiful, exotic Orlando, Florida, it's the Raw after Wrestlemania. Raw Results: Neville retained, Mojo won the Andre battle royal, Bayley retained, the Hardyz redebuted and won the straps, Seth beat Triple H with his move, Brock beat Big Berg, and Roman retired the Undertaker.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday Night Raw - 3/27/2017

Live from the beautiful city of brother love, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, it's Monday Night Raw. One week 'til Wrestlemania. I assume everyone booked for Mania on the Raw side will be here. Is this the last one of these I ever do? Probably.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday Night Raw - 3/20/2017

Live from beautiful Brooklyn, New York, the city Biggie made famous, it's Monday Night Raw. Dread the crowd tonight, brothers and sisters. Nude photographs of Paige and videos of her in coitus with other superstars leaked out this week and, judging from reports of people in the stands already, it's not looking good as far as this crowd letting the WWE forget about that. And on top of that, Comcast isn't streaming the USA Network in HD tonight. It's going to be bad but really when is Raw not?

Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday Night Raw - 3/13/2017

Live from the beautiful Motor City, Detroit, Michigan, it's Monday Night Raw. Will Detroit's favorite son Diesel show up? Will the Motor City Machine Guns make their debut? No!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Monday Night Raw - 3/6/2017

Last night was bad. Welcome to this bad show I hate it. Goldberg is the champ, Bayley is the champ, Neville is the champ, Gallows and Gun are the champs. We're in beautiful Chicago, Illinois, as beautiful as Raw is bad.